Monday, October 31, 2011

Random Acts of Kindnedd Day, November 16th, 2011

A year ago on November 16th 2010, approximately 600 people were surprised in the audience for Oprah Winfrey's Ultimate Favorite Things Day. In honor of this one year anniversary of this humbling experience we are celebrating with doing random acts of kindness across the US and the world. Choose to do something for a stranger, friend, co worker, loved one, anything to show an act of kindness. Then ask them to pay it forward! I am going to pay for someone's tank of gas on this day. What will you do? Share this event as it will be so much fun to see what people do. Let's see how many people we can get involved! This is a public page on Facebook, you just have to do a search for "Random Acts of Kindness Day". Tell your friends to seach or put in on your FB page and invite others. Let's pass on the message that nice things can happen to people when they least expect it! Joanie Reisfeld, Founder, Better BedRest, Inc

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